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序号 刊物名称/出版社 发表时间及期刊号(年、期、页码) 论文/专著题目 学生 备注
1 Chemotherapy 2010;56(5):393-402. Antitumor Effects of Ginkgolic Acid in Human Cancer Cell Occur via Cell Cycle Arrest and Decrease the Bcl-2/Bax Ratio to Induce Apoptosis Wei Du 一作
2 Cell Biol Int. 2013;37(9): 888-91.  Mechanotransduction in cancer stem cells.  Jin Hao 一作
3 2010 2nd International Symposium on Information Engineering and Electronic Commerce 2010;14(7):1-4 Multi-channel Interpolation Method for RSA Meng Jiang 一作
4 Angle orthodontists 2011;81(1):162-68. Efficacy of short-term chincup therapy for mandibular growth retardation in Class III malocclusion Chunjie Li 二作
5 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011;(1):CD002970 Hyaluronate for temporomandibular joint disorders Chunjie Li 二作
6 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011;15(6):CD008050 Secondary bone grafting for alveolar cleft in children with cleft lip or cleft lip and palate  Chunjie Li 二作
7 Molecular Medicine rePorTS  2010;3(1):173-178 Fluid shear stress changes cell morphology and regulates the expression of ATP6V1A and TCIRG1 mRNA in rat osteoclasts Wenjing Li 二作
8 Journal of Hospital Infection, 2013. 2013;84(4):283-93 Oral topical decontamination for preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials[J]. Junying Li 一作
9 American Journal of kidney diseases 2014;63(3):479-90 Citrate Versus Heparin Lock for Hemodialysis Catheters: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trial Zheng Li 二作
10 oral diseases 2014;20(1):25-34 Immunomodulatory properties of dental derived mesenchymal stem cells Zheng Li 一作
11 Molecular Biology Reports 2014;41(1):73-83 The TNF-alpha -308G/A polymorphism is associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus: an updated meta-analysis. Zheng Li 一作
12 Biomedical Materials 2009;4(4):23-27 Effect of Mn–Zn ferrite on apatite–wollastonite glass-ceramic (A–W GC) Yun Lin 三作
13 Materials Science and Engineering: C 2010;30(1):148-153 Synthesis and characterization of magnetic bioactive glass-ceramics containing Mg ferrite for hyperthermia Yun Lin 三作
14 International Journal of Nanomedicine 2011;6:1787-1791 Investigation of the mechanical properties of a low-shrinkage liquid crystalline matrix combined with nano-hydroxyapatitie Wenwen Liu 一作
15 Pathology and Oncology Reserch 2011; 17(1):127-32  Clinicopathological Features and Immunoexpression Profiles of Goblet Cell Carcinoid and Typical Carcinoid of the Appendix Hu Long 一作
16 Medical Hypotheses 2011,76(3):371-373 FPGS Gene is a Novel Causative Gene for Cleft Lip in China Hu Long 一作
17 International Journal of Surgical Pathology 2010;18(6):488-92 Goblet Cell Carcinoid of the Appendix: A Clinicopathological and Immunohistochemical Study of 26 Cases From Southwest China Hu Long 一作
18 Angle Orthod 2013;83(1):164-71 Interventions for accelerating orthodontic tooth movement: a systematic review Hu Long 一作
19 Angle Orthodontist 2010;80(3):515-520. Young people’s esthetic perception of dental midline deviation.  Yiran Peng 二作
20 Journal of Biomaterials Applications 2011;26(3):311-25。 Preliminary evaluation of a novel strong/osteoinductive calcium phosphate cement  Kuangyun Tang 一作
21 Cytotherapy 2010;12(5):701–702.  Platelet-rich plasma as scaffold for injectable soft-tissue augmentation.   Ping Wang 一作
22 Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers. 2011;26(6):607-618. Nano-fibrous electrospun barrier membrane promotes osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells.   Ping Wang 一作
23 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews  2011;11:1-4. Effect of periodontal treatments on blood pressure Yan Wang 一作
24 current drug machanism 2013;14(8):847-856.  Perspectives on the toxicology of cadmium-based quantum dots.  Feiyu Wang 一作
25 Cytotherapy.2010 2010;12(5):701-702. Platelet-rich plasma as scaffold for injectable soft-tissue augmentation Ping Wang 一作
26 International Journal of Nanomedicine  2010;5:429-435 Preliminary biocompatible evaluation of nano-hydroxyapatite/polyamide 66 composite porous membrane Ping Wang 一作
27 Journal of Dental Research 2011;90(5):561-572. Novel Molecular Events in Oral Carcinogenesis via Integrative Approaches Ruiqing Wu 一作
28 J Craniofac Surg 2013; 24(4):1078-1082. Alteration of maxillary and mandibular growth of adult patients with unoperated isolated cleft palate: a strong proof Yeke Wu 一作
29 J Periodont 2013;84(12):1847-57. Co-culture with endothelial cells enhances osteogenic differentiation of periodontal ligament stem cells via COX-2/PGE2/VEGF signaling under hypoxia Yeke Wu 一作
30 Angle Orthod  2013;83(4):659-66 Effect of placement angle on the stability of loaded titanium microscrews in beagle jaws Yeke Wu 一作
31 J Periodontal Res 2013;48(1):52-65. Effects of vascular endothelial cells on osteogenic differentiation of noncontact co-cultured periodontal ligament stem cells under hypoxia Yeke Wu 一作
32 Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 2011;16(8):1840-55. Involvement of COX-2/PGE(2) signaling in hypoxia-induced angiogenic response in endothelial cells. Yeke Wu 二作
33 Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2013年5月已接收 Orthodontic Mini-Implant Stability under Continuous or Intermittent Loading: A Histomorphometric and Biomechanical Analysis Yeke Wu 一作
34 Arch Oral Biol 2013;58(11):1718-25. Response of immortalized murine cementoblast cells to hypoxia in vitro Yeke Wu 一作
35 Oral surgery, Oral medicine, Oral pathology, Oral radiology and Endodontology 2011;112(4):423-9. The effect of varying healing times on orthodontic mini-implant stability: a microscopic computerized tomographic and biomechanical analysis Yeke Wu 一作
36 Arch Oral Biol 2013;58(10):1357-1368. The osteogenic differentiation of PDLSCs is mediated through MEK/ERK and p38 MAPK signallings under hypoxia Yeke Wu 一作
37 AJO-DO 2011;9(1):92-109 Orthodontic treatment in periodontal patient with pathologic migration of anterior teeth:A case report. Yijia Xie 一作
38 Quintessence International 2013;44(10):709-21 Arginine-containing toothpastes for dentin hypersensitivity: systematic review and meta-analysis Boxi Yan 一作
39 Medical Hypotheses 2011; 76(3):391-4.  Possibilities and potential roles of the functional peptides based on enamel matrix proteins in promoting the remineralization of initial enamel caries Qingqing Yang 一作
40 QUINTESSENCE INTERNATIONAL 2012;43(3):1-10 Preoperative oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the success of the inferior alveolar nerve block in irreversible pulpitis treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis based on randomized controlled trials Xianrui Yang 一作
41 journal of biomaterials applications 2011;26(3):311-325. preliminary evaluation of a novel strong/osteoinductive calcium phosphate cement Yang Yang 一作
42 British Dental Journal 2009;206:240-241. Intuitive recording Yang Yao 一作
43 Angle Orthodontist 2010;80(3):515-20. Young people’s esthetic perception of dental midline deviation.  Yifan Zhang 一作
44 Journal of Dental Research 2011;90(5):561-572. Novel Molecular Events in Oral Carcinogenesis via Integrative Approaches Xuefeng Zhao 一作
45 Journal of dental research 2013, 92(9): 819-824. Involvement of gshAB in the Interspecies Competition within Oral Biofilm Xin Zheng 一作